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Frequently asked questions
Account and access
Why am I not receiving a “one-time code” in my e-mail?
Why can’t I finish my registration process?
My account has been disabled. How do I reenable it?
I forgot my password. What do I do?
My account information is incorrect. How do I fix it?
I haven’t heard back about my account access. How long does it take?
A4 data
Is imaging data currently available from the A4 study?
What genomics data is available from the A4 study?
What proteomics data is available from the A4 study?
What are the source data for the A4 dataset? How was the quality of data verified?
I have a clarification question about an A4 data field. Who can I contact?
Is a summary of key findings from the A4 study available?
A4 future features
Are any additional data fields expected to be available from A4?
I’d like to learn more about the data behind A4. Can you provide me with individual contact information for the A4 research team?